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How to Docusaurus

Adding new documentation pages#

To add a new page simply create a new markdown file (.md or .mdx) in ./docs/* or respective category folder

Creating categories#

To create a category create a folder with the desired group name e.g 'tutorial', then place your new files in this folder

Arranging the sidebar#


At the top it is possible to place the following options inside the 'front matter' ("markdown header")

----<options here>----
(... rest of markdown ...)

All of it can be found here:

Here are the two most important ones for our docs.

Sidebar Position#

Moves the item to the specified position in the sidebar (starting from 1).

sidebar_position: <number>

Sidebar Label#

Overwrites the label / name in the sidebar to the given label

sidebar_label: <string>


To arrange the categories in the sidebar simply add a number in front of the name e.g. "1. name". This is equivalent to the front matter option "sidebar_position: 1"