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<RefactoredCustomInputField  value="Value" onChange={(value : string, error : boolean, silentError: boolean) =>     console.log("Value", value, "hasError", error)}/>

The 'error' is for telling when the user is shown an error, while the 'silentError' is updated on every time the input changes, which can be used to prevent the user from submitting.


When the input is empty a placeholder can be shown.

<RefactoredCustomInputField placeholder="Placeholder"/>


To mark the field required, simply pass the required props. It also runs automatically runs the internal validation to ensure the input has been filled out.

<RefactoredCustomInputField required/>

Variant (Keyboard Type)#

The Variant determines which keyboard type should be opened.


Currently there is no restrictions to the input e.g. 'numeric' will also allow for letters. In the future input restrictions will be added to ensure when using e.g 'numeric' only numbers is allowed to be inputted.


It is possible to try to autofill the input field with user's data such as the display name, email etc.

<RefactoredCustomInputField autoFill="email"/>
Developer Info

The data that is prefilled is retrieved from the Redux Store

Prefix / Suffix#

// Phone<RefactoredCustomInputField prefix="+45"/>
// Weight<RefactoredCustomInputField suffix="KG"/>

JSX Elements and icons will be supported later


Helper text is used to give the user more information regarding what is expected of the input, how it will be use etc. e.g "We will not save your CPR number"

<RefactoredCustomInputField helperText="We will not save your CPR number."/>


A pattern formats the displayed value to fit the pattern. In a pattern, the # means that the original input will be displayed in those spots.

// Simple phone pattern<RefactoredCustomInputField pattern="## ## ## ##"/> // '12345678' becomes "12 34 56 78" 
// (unrealistic) Complex pattern<RefactoredCustomInputField pattern="(+99) ### / ### KG!"/> // '123456' becomes "(+99) 123 / 456 KG!" 


To perform validation it is possible to either use premade validations using the InputValidator, or create custom validations.

Validation is run every time the user stops typing in the inputfield.

Premade Validations#

Email validation using the InputValidator.

<RefactoredCustomInputField  validation={(value) => new InputValidator(value).email("Custom Error Text").result }/>

See InputValidator for detailed information

Custom Validations#

For custom validation requires the validation callback funtion to return false when there are no errors. When the callback return true it means there is an error and the default error text will be used (if it exists). if a custom error text is desired, return a string instead of true when there is an error.

<RefactoredCustomInputField  errorText="Default Error Text" validation={(value : string) : string | boolean  => {     if (value === "incorrect"){         return "Custom Error Text" // "Custom Error Text will be displayed     }     else if (value === "also incorrect"){         return true // "Default Error Text" will be displayed     }     return false } }/>

Clickable Text#

If some clickable text is desired underneath the input, it can be added using the clickableText prop.

<RefactoredCustomInputField  clickableText={{text: "This text is clickable",    onPress: () => console.log("Clickable Text Pressed")}}/>


labelstringundefinedInput field label text
valuestringundefinedThe unformatted default value or controlled value. If using autoFill, the auto fill value is used as the default value
varianttext, numeric, email,cpr, phoneundefinedDetermines which type of keyboard will be opened. Some variants come with their own premade patterns as well (see pattern prop).
placeholderstringundefinedThe unformatted placeholder value (seen when the input value is empty)
secureTextEntrybooleanfalseReplaces input with *** for e.g. password
prefixstringundefinedA piece of text before the value in the input field e.g. "+45"
suffixstringundefinedA piece of text after the value in the input field e.g. "KG"
helperTextstringundefinedA piece of text to give the user a small piece of information
clickableText{text: string, onPress: function () => any}undefinedA clickable text that is displayed underneath the input field
maxLengthnumberundefinedLimits the amount of characters in the input field. If a pattern is used, the max length will be the pattern length
fontSize'xs', 'sm''sm'Font size for the input text
requiredbooleanfalseIs the input field required. Adds a small * next to the label, also adds internal validation if it is
errorTextstringundefinedDefault error text if a validation function is used and no specific error message is returned
validationfunction (value) => boolean | stringundefinedIf validation is wanted, this function will be called when the user stops typing. If the function returns false then no errors was found. If it returns true the default error text will be used. If it returns a string, the string will be used as the error text.
autoFill'displayName', 'email', 'address', 'phone','cpr'undefinedAutomatically fills the default value with the desired value taken from the Redux store. Only works when the user is logged in
autoCompleteType'off' , 'email' , 'name', 'password' , 'username', 'postal'-code , street-'address', 'tel', 'cc-csc' , 'cc-exp' , 'cc-exp-month' , 'cc-exp-year' , 'cc-number'undefined(ANDROID ONLY) Tries to auto complete the input. Use 'autoFill' over this if possible.
textContentType'none' , 'URL' , 'addressCity' , 'addressCityAndState' , 'addressState' , 'countryName' ,'creditCardNumber' , 'emailAddress' , 'familyName' , 'fullStreetAddress' ,'givenName' , 'jobTitle' ,'location' , 'middleName' , 'name' , 'namePrefix' , 'nameSuffix' , 'nickname' , 'organizationName' ,'postalCode' , 'streetAddressLine1' ,'streetAddressLine2' , 'sublocality' , 'telephoneNumber' , 'username' , 'password'undefined(iOS ONLY) Tries to auto complete the input. Use 'autoFill' over this if possible.
autoCorrectbooleantrueShould the phone's auto correct be used
autoFocusbooleanfalseShould the input field start focused / selected
patternstringundefinedFormat text input with a pattern
E.g. for phone number: "## ## ## ##"
The following variants comes with premade patterns: 'phone' , 'cpr'
onChangefunction (newValue: string, error: boolean) => anyundefinedFunction that is called when the input changes. It is called with the new value and if the new value has an error or not
onSubmitEditingfunction (value: string, error: boolean) => anyundefinedFunction that is called when the form is submitted. It is called with the current value and if the current value has an error or not