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Template for quiz cards


A quiz card with 3 options where the first option (Option 1) is the correct answer

import img from "..."
<ActionCardQuizTemplateProps title="Exmaple Title" imageProps={{img: img}} quizOptionsProps={{options:["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], correctAnswerIndex:0}}/>

Max 3 options allowed

Saving and Using Quiz Responses#


Ensure the component that uses the quiz response is a functional component! For challenge components see the garbage quiz for an example (garbagequiz.tsx)

Saving Quiz Response#

The quiz response is automatically stored after each response if an id is given to the quiz

import img from "..."
<ActionCardQuizTemplateProps title="Exmaple Title" imageProps={{img: img}} quizOptionsProps={{        id="doc/quiz",         options:["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],         correctAnswerIndex:0    }}/>

Getting Quiz Data#

To get the stored response, quiz, or all quizzes, use the useQuiz hook.


The quizzes are stored in a dictionary where the quiz's ID is the key.

UseQuiz Hook#

The useQuiz hook allows for easily accessing the quiz data for the current session.

It returns 2 functions, and 1 variable being getQuizResponse, getQuiz and quizzes.


The getQuizResponse returns undefined if no response exists or QuizResponse object with the following data:

{    answerIndex, // index of the response - can be used to get the value of the quiz option that was selected    correct, // if the answer was correct or not}

// Assuming the quiz has receive a response
const { getQuizRespone } = useQuiz()


The getQuizResponse returns undefined if no quiz exists or a QuizResponse object with the following data:


Currently only works if a user has responded to the quiz

{    id, // (string)    response, // (QuizResponse)    options, // (number) index of the response    correctAnswerIndex, // (number | number[]) the index/indices for the correct answers}

// Assuming the quiz has receive a response
const { getQuiz } = useQuiz()

'quizzes' list#

quizzes is a dictionary with all the quizzes in it. The quiz id is used as the key

const { quizzes } = useQuiz()
console.log(quizzes)console.log(quizzes["quizID"]) // same as getQuiz("quizID")


titlestringundefinedThe card title
descriptionstringundefinedThe card decription
imagePropsActionCardImagePropsundefinedThe props used for the image. See props here
quizOptionProps*ActionCardQuizOptionsPropsundefinedThe props passed to the quiz options component. See props here
