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Template for action cards containing one or two inputs


<ActionCardInputTemplate title="Example Title" description="Example description for inptu template" inputFieldProps={{label: "Label", placeholder: "Placeholder", required: true}} onPress={() => console.log("Pressed 'Next' button")}/>

See CustomInputField for full functionality and styling options for the input field.

Two Input Fields#

<ActionCardInputTemplate title="Example Title" description="Example description for inptu template" inputFieldProps={{label: "Label", placeholder: "Placeholder", required: true}} inputFieldProps2={{label: "Second input field", placeholder: "Placeholder"}} onPress={() => console.log("Pressed 'Next' button")}/>


title*stringundefinedThe card title
description*stringundefinedThe card description
inputFieldPropsInputFieldPropsundefinedThe props for the first (top) input field. See props here
inputFieldProps2InputFieldPropsundefinedThe props for the second (bottom) input field. See props here
onPressfunction () => anyundefinedCallback that is called when pressing the 'next' button.
disabledbooleanundefinedMakes the button unclickable
