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The basic templates is the default go-to template if are not sure how the layout will be. By default the template uses a "Next" button. This can be overriden by using the primaryButtonProps.


No Image#

<ActionCardBasicTemplate title="Basic Template Title" description="This is a basic template description" onPress={() => console.log("Pressed 'Next' button")}/>

With image#

import svg from "..."
//With svg icon<ActionCardBasicTemplate title="Basic Template Title" description="This is a basic template description" imageProps={{variant: "icon", SVGImg: svg}} onPress={() => console.log("Pressed 'Next' button")}/>

Different Primary Button#

When using a different primary button there is no need to pass the onPress prop, as the onPress that will be used is in the primaryButtonProps's object.

<ActionCardBasicTemplate title="Basic Template Title" description="This is a basic template description" primaryButtonProps={{label: "Custom Primary", onPress: () => console.log("Primary Button Pressed")}}/>

The primaryButtonProps's variant will always be 'black primary'. Therefor it is not necessary to specify it.

With Secondary Button#

<ActionCardBasicTemplate title="Basic Template Title" description="This is a basic template description" secondaryButtonProps={{label: "Secondary Button", onPress: () => console.log("Secondary Button Pressed")}}/>

The secondaryButtonProps's variant will always be 'secondary'. Therefor it is not necessary to specify it.


title*stringundefinedThe card title
description*stringundefinedThe card description
imagePropsActionCardImagePropsundefinedThe props used for the image. See props here
primaryButtonPropsActionCardButtonPropsundefinedThe props used for the primary button. See props here
secondaryButtonPropsActionCardButtonPropsundefinedThe props used for the primary button. See props here
onPressfunction () => anyundefinedCallback that is called when pressing the 'next' button. Irrelevant when using primaryButtonProps.
