Climaider CLI
InstallationRun the following commands
npm i -g @climaider/cli
Uninstallnpm uninstall -g @climaider/cli
devClone github repo
Add a .env.local in the root directory
in .env.local add the following
APP_ROOT_PATH=<Path to /climaider-app>
UsageAlways be in the root folder of the climaider app being 'climaider-app', otherwise the CLI will simply yell at you.
CreateCreate a new challenge
climaider challenge create
Create a challenge from the unimplemented challenges list
climaider challenge create --unimplemented
Create a new unimplemented challenge for users to vote on
climaider challenge add
Dev Instructions
These are important instructions for the devs working on the CLI.
Sensitive informationwarning
Do not put any sensitive information in the project as it is public!
Updating versioning numberPreferably use NPM's versioning command
npm version <patch | minor | major | (and some more not listed here ...) >
When a version has been published to NPM, that same versioning number can never be used again! (might have to contact support if you want to re-use it)
Versioningnpm versioning numbering style: major.minor.patch
major - non-backwards compatible changes (shouldn't occur that often)
minor - backwards compatible features
patch - backwards compatible bug fixes / typo fixes etc. etc.
PublishingUpdate the versioning number (use the
npm version <type>
npm publish