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2.3 Changelog

Release Date: 1th Nov. 2021

What's new..#

This version focuses on optimizing the calculator experience. users will now enjoy a more frictionless and streamlined experience when calculating their emission, and find a resultpage after the full calculation. This resultpage features the users emissions by category, by comparison and gives the users key takeaways to know what they do well, and what could be done further to reduce their emission. Challenges have been grouped together, to make it stand out, that they are challenges and not calculators. More than that, the projects page has gotten a big overhaul, and the chat experience has gotten even smoother.

New features#

  • Projects got a new look.
  • Even more easy to invite friends and plant trees.
  • New resultpage after calculations
    • Results by category
    • Results by comparison
    • Key takeaways

Bug fixes#

  • Lot's of small UI bugs on challenges and calculators have been updated and fixed.
  • Invite a friend Congratz popup that happened too often is now fixed.


  • Experimential setup of new challenge flow. If the experiment succeeds, the old setup will be removed, and a full refactor will be implemented.

Technical updates#

  • Optimized tracking for invite a friend (Now all the way through the webapp, and for multiple users).