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2.2 Changelog

Release Date: 7th Oct. 2021

What's new..#

This version focuses on two major features; the introduction of the article format and the "Invite a friend" campaign. Optimization of calculators and text revision from two individuals outside of product team will further streamline the app experience. New technical update for creation of challenges will make it possible for non-programmers to introduce new challenges with minimal technical help.

New features#

  • Article format
  • Invite a friend
  • Payment error tracking + handling

Bug fixes#

  • Scrollable view in YourCO2EmissionContent fixed.
  • Fixed usernames in celebration channel
  • Scroll to CategoryCards from CO2wheel now available on Android
  • ForgotPassword route fixed


  • Removed expo OTA popup
  • All calculators have been optimized
  • Text revision from marketing

Technical updates#

  • New template system for creation of new challenges


  • Written a simple 'How To Docusaurus' guide for how to add pages and categories + re-ordering the sidebar
  • ActionCard building blocks (Still missing sample images)
  • ActionCard Templates (Still missing sample images)
  • Article creation guide
  • Docusuarus markdown guide